gogo my candy-ranger▲

this is my life, y'all reading about but chillout it aint no stress for anyone. i say it's all about maintaining the balance and being at ease. search for the balance with me along this highway, lined with undiscovered candies and where skies are sometimes in shades of disgusting pink and freaky grey.
maybe quirky but you will see what i mean

if you don't,exit's at the top right corna.

welcome, to this part of the world.

click older posts to read my prev entries

Sunday, February 15

I think i have held
the suspense long enough and that the thing i was so happy and couldnt breathe a word about is.... vic's return from L.A! Ling and vic got all sneaky and planned for vic to surprise me that fateful Monday after school. And i thought it was just normal lunching with Ling that day, when she popped right in front of me outta no where, i found no other vocabulary apart from 3 words, which i repeatedly repeated for like i think 30 seconds till the image and idea sink in. in case you are wondering, the three words are oh, my and god. hahahaha.

it was great to have see vic, looking so beautiful and gosh i missed her so. She nearly made me cry. and that would be so bad, if my mascara smudged. lol. alot of catching up followed and i am just glad to see her again, in flesh. to be able to hug her (: of course, the next victim of this sneakypeaky business is J! whom i met the day just before we pounced on him. I dropped him some subtle hints but obviously i was so good at keeping it subtle he didnt sense anything. he sure got shocked the day after during lunch with the girls.
After he received his little surprise i came back and fetched them 3 to gelare in bdoze, after class, after MATH CLASS. sigh.

I haven had the time to blog or really do anything i did, when i had more free time now, just look at the mess under my table.

Mum and Dad gave me a red box for the 21st. move over, green boxes!
People are alerady asking me what i would like for my birthday, and i have answered the same. 'I do not need anything, i have everything i wanted.' Just buy me something that's ME! that screams ester ester ester ester ester allll over.

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